proiezione : 1 - 10 di 1119 Jobs

X Havelland Kliniken GmbH Nauen We are looking for you at Havelland-Kliniken GmbH for our department Clinic Information System (HIS) as Comp...

IT Specialist (m/f/d) in the area of laboratory workstation in the field of clinical procedures UKSH Gesellschaft für IT Services mbH, based in L...

DescrizioneSei appassionato/a dell'Horeca e desideri mettere in mostra le tue competenze in un ambiente dinamico e accogliente? Il nostro ristorante a...

Cell Biology of Host-Pathogen InteractionsMicrobial infections lead to drastic changes in the architecture and metabolism of the host cell. The inaugu...

Adjunct Faculty - BiologyTo view the position details and/or apply to a position, click on the View Details link below the Job Title. If you have que...

Super-resolution microscopy in chromatin biology The laboratory of Chromatin Biology & Epigenetics, headed by Prof. Alessio Zippo is looking for highl...

EMBO/FEBS Lecture Course: Cell biology of host-pathogen interactionsThe EMBO|FEBS Lecture Course onCell biology of host-pathogen interactions will tak...

IRBM is a scientific contract research organization (CRO) that stands at the forefront of drug discovery, leveraging a single, unified research facili...

IRBM is an innovative contract research organization working across all aspects of drug discovery and early development for different modalities – sma...

Globeducate is one of the largest international school groups in the world with more than 60 schools situated across Europe (Spain, France, United Kin...

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