The measures aim to contain the economic damage caused by the COVID-19 epidemic.
In relation to the epidemiological emergency, further interventions of the Central SME Guarantee Fund are proposed (in addition to the provision of Article 25 of Decree-Law No 9/2020), which constitute a derogation, justifiable only because of the temporary and contingent nature of the ordinary rules of the Fund (paragraph 1), no longer limited to “Red Zones” only, but with a view to limit the overall effects on the business system.
The following measures shall apply for a period of 9 months:
The purpose of the provision is to prevent an increase in the costs of the fees charged to SMEs for guarantees granted by the trusts referred to in Article 112 of the TUB as a result of the new institutional structure responsible for their control.
It is possible to contain these costs without any burden on the State budget by acting on two levers corresponding to the two paragraphs of the legislative proposal:
The exposures assumed by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A., including in the form of first loss guarantees on loan portfolios, in favour of banks and other entities authorised to provide loans to companies that have suffered a reduction in turnover due to the aforementioned emergency, may be covered by the State guarantee.
The arrangement allows:
The provision provides for the suspension of repayments of instalments falling due in 2020 of subsidized loans from the “fund 394” managed by Simest SpA and aimed at supporting the internationalization of exporting companies. The measure concerns 1457 firms in all sectors.
The adjustment for the volatility of the maturity structure of risk-free rates in relation to the calculation of technical provisions is a measure widely used by Italian insurance companies in order to reduce the artificial volatility in their balance sheets (generated by changes in assets and liabilities that do not correspond to changes in their risk profile) and ensure that they can continue to provide long-term cover at an affordable price.
The change consists in lowering the reference from 100 basis points to 85 basis points, which is necessary in order to facilitate the activation of the national component of the adjustment by making it more sensitive to fluctuations in the national spread. The change takes effect from fiscal year 2019.
If a company transfers, by 31 December 2020, pecuniary receivables due from defaulting debtors for consideration, it may convert the deferred tax assets relating to the following components into a tax credit:
For the purposes of conversion into a tax credit, the components may be considered for a maximum amount not exceeding 20% of the nominal value of the assigned receivables.
The tax credits resulting from the conversion are not interest-bearing. They may be used, without limit of amount, in offsetting or they may be or may be claimed for refund. The tax credits must be indicated in the tax return and do not contribute to the formation of the company’s income or to the tax base of the regional tax on productive activities.
The provision is intended to encourage the sale of impaired loans that companies have accumulated in recent years, also as a result of the financial crisis, with the aim of supporting them in terms of liquidity in the face of the current context of economic uncertainty. The impaired loans that are the subject of the incentive can be both commercial and financial in nature.
The intervention allows companies to anticipate the use of these amounts as tax credits, which they would otherwise have used in subsequent years, resulting in an immediate reduction in the tax burden.
In addition, in order to support business activities, SMEs may make use of the following financial support measures:
In order to mitigate the negative repercussions on the tourism sector resulting from the health emergency in progress, it is appropriate to provide for some measures to support export credit in 2020, also in line with what emerged during the presentation of the “Extraordinary Plan for Made in Italy” in March.
The regulatory intervention regulates the procedure for issuing the State guarantee in favour of SACE Spa for operations decided by the company in relation to some important orders for the construction of ships by Italian companies.
More specifically, the provision is intended to speed up the procedure for issuing the State guarantee pursuant to Article 6, paragraphs 9-bis and 9-ter, of Decree-Law no. 269 of 30 September 2003, converted, with amendments, by Law no. 326 of 24 November 2003 (the so-called “MEF-SACE reinsurance”), thus allowing the definitive completion of strategic commercial operations for the Italian economy and the maintenance of employment levels at this particular juncture.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has set up the “Fund for Integrated Promotion” in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to implement the following initiatives:
The Legislative Decree provides for an increase in the budget for development contracts of Euro 400 million. The development contracts’ negotiation facilitation instrument is aimed at fostering the implementation of strategic and innovative development programmes of significant size for the strengthening of the country’s productive structure and is the main support measure for large investments throughout the country. The instrument allows the financing of large sectors (industrial development programmes – including those concerning the processing and marketing of agricultural products – are eligible; development programmes for environmental protection; programmes for the development of tourism activities which may include, for an amount not exceeding 20% of the total investments to be made, programmes for the development of commercial activities).
The Solidarity Fund allocation for the air transport sector and the airport system is increased by EUR 200 million for the year 2020.
Comma 1. The provisions referred to in paragraph 1, letter a) amend the rules indicated in Article 1, paragraph 496, of Law no. 145 of 30 December 2018 on compensation for shareholders. The amendments in question allow the Technical Commission, pending the preparation of the allocation plan, to authorise the contribution of an advance equal to 40% of the amount of the compensation decided by the same Technical Commission following the completion of the preliminary examination.
The provisions of paragraph 1, letter b) amend the rules indicated in Article 1, paragraph 497, of Law no. 145 of 30 December 2018 on compensation for bondholders. The amendments in question allow the Technical Commission, pending the preparation of the distribution plan, to authorise the granting of an advance equal to 40% of the amount of the indemnity decided by the Technical Commission following the completion of the preliminary examination.
Comma 2. In view of the large number of savers interested in accessing the services of the FIR for the payment of compensation and the operational difficulties in issuing the necessary banking documentation by the competent credit operators, the provisions of paragraph 2 amend Article 1, paragraph 237, of Law no. 160 of 27/12/2019, providing for a further extension of the deadline for the filing of claims for compensation. The deadline of April 18, 2020 is extended to June 18, 2020.
The Solidarity Fund referred to in art. 2, paragraphs 475 to 480 of Law no. 244/2007, as amended by Law no. 92/2012 (set up at the Ministry of Economy and Finance and managed by Consap S.p.A.) allows the holders of a loan contract for the purchase of their first home to benefit from the suspension of payment of instalments, up to 18 months, when specific situations of temporary difficulty arise, which are likely to negatively affect the overall income of the household.
(a) Employers who in the remainder of the year 2020 suspend or reduce their employment due to events related to the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency may apply for the granting of the ordinary wage supplementation treatment or access to the ordinary allowance with the causal “COVID-19 emergency” from 23 February 2020 for a maximum duration of nine weeks and in any case by August 2020. In order to obtain the above mentioned treatment, employers do not need a trade union agreement, it is sufficient to carry out information, consultation and joint examination, also electronically.
(b) For companies that already have extraordinary salary integration treatment, it is possible to apply for ordinary treatment, dispensing with the payment of additional contributions. Similarly, for employers who are members of the Wage Supplement Fund who already have a solidarity cheque in progress, it is possible to apply for ordinary treatment, again waiving the payment of additional contributions, which may last for a maximum of nine weeks.
(a) For the period of suspension of childcare services and activities in schools, parents who are employed in the private sector, self-employed parents registered with National Social Security Institute (INPS) or enrolled in the Separate Administration shall be entitled to benefit, for children up to the age of 12 years (age limit not applicable in the case of a disability of proven seriousness), leave for a continuous or fractionated period not exceeding 15 days, with payment of an allowance equal to 50 percent of salary (50 percent of daily income in the case of self-employed workers) or 1/365 of income. Parents employed in the private sector with children between the ages of 12 and 16 have the right to abstain from work for the period of suspension of childcare services and activities in schools, without payment of compensation or recognition of imputed contributions, with a ban on dismissal and the right to keep their job. Only one parent per household shall be granted leave, provided that there is no other parent in receipt of income support or in agile working arrangements.
(b) As an alternative to the above mentioned benefits, beneficiary workers have the possibility to choose to take advantage of a baby-sitter bonus up to a maximum amount of EUR 600.
(c) The number of days of paid monthly leave covered by notional contributions limited to the months of March and April 2020 shall be subject to an increase of a maximum of twelve days.
For the month of March, an indemnity of 600 euros (not taxed for PIT purposes) is paid by National Social Security Institute to the following categories of workers:
The provision states that from the date of entry into force of this decree, the opening of proceedings against individual and collective redundancies shall be precluded for 60 days and that pending proceedings shall be suspended during the same period. It is also provided that during this period the employer, regardless of the number of employees, may not withdraw from the contract for objective reasons.
Employees and self-employed workers who, as a result of the epidemiological emergency from COVID 19 have ceased, reduced or suspended their activity or their employment relationship, and who during 2019 have produced an income from work not exceeding € 10,000.00, establishes, in the estimates of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, a Fund called “Fund for the income of last resort “
The rule provides for the transfer of the amount of €50 million, by National Institute for Occupational Accident Insurance (INAIL) to Invitalia, to be paid to companies for the purchase of equipment and other personal protective equipment. In order to strengthen the protection of injured and technopathic workers and strengthen, among other things, the prevention and health surveillance functions performed by INAIL, the regulation also provides for the authorization to hire, with a concomitant increase in the workforce, a contingent of 100 permanent staff, with the qualification of first level medical manager, in the specialist branch of forensic and occupational medicine and the authorization to hire with the same recruitment methods referred to in Article 1, of Decree-Law No. 9 March 2020, no. 14, 300 staff, of which 200 doctors and 100 nurses.
In confirmed cases of coronavirus infection (SARS- CoV-2) at work, the certifying physician draws up the usual accident certificate and sends it electronically to INAIL, which ensures the protection of the injured person in accordance with the regulations in force. INAIL’s benefits in proven cases of coronavirus infections at work are also provided for the period of quarantine or trustee stay at home of the injured person with the consequent abstention from work. The above accident events are a burden on the insurance management and are not taken into account for the purposes of determining the fluctuation of the average rate for accident trends pursuant to articles 19 et seq. of the Interministerial Decree of 27 February 2019.
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